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Don’t Have an Alcoholic Beverage … Gamble!

If you like to have a cocktail every so often, leave your cash at home if you are going to do your drinking in a casino. I’m serious. Leave your evening bag, your wallet, and keep all cash, credit cards and checkbooks at home. Only take whatever cash you intend to use on drinks, tipping and few dollars you intend to throw away and leave the remainder behind.

Pessimistic? Not at all. Just realistic. You can have a success after a inebriated night out with your compatriots and be blessed sufficiently to catch a marathon roll at a hot craps table. Keep that account seeing that it’s as short-lived as it gets if you always drink alcohol and gamble. The pair just don’t mix.

Keeping your cash back at the hotel might be a tiny bit dramatic, but precautionary actions for dramatic behavior is a requirement. If you gamble to profit, then do not drink alcohol and bet. If you like to blow your assets nary a worry, then drink all the free booze your stomach can handle, but do not take charge cards and cheques to toss into the mix of chasing squanderings after your dead drunk brain throws away all the cash!

Allow me to take this 1 step more. Don’t drink alcohol and then head on the web to gamble in your preferred internet casino either. I enjoy a beverage from the comfort of my home, but since I’m connected through Neteller, Firepay and have charge cards in close proximity, I can’t drink and wager.

How come? Although I do not consume alcohol a lot, once I drink alcohol, it is absolutely enough to cloud my common sense. I gamble, so I do not drink alcohol when gambling. If you are a drinker, don’t wager at the same time. Both create an awful, and expensive, cocktail.

Posted in Casino.

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